Contact us

Contact details HerikVerhulst

Phone: +31 10 41 000 55


Contact form: Click here

Wilhelminaplein 16
3072 DE Rotterdam


Phone: 010 41 000 55


Contact form: Click here

Address: Click here

Bankruptcy cases and moratoriums

Our lawyers specialising in insolvency law are regularly appointed by the court to act as a receiver and/or administrator (curator/bewindvoerder) in matters varying from less complex cases to complex international cases. They are well versed in the application of Insolvency Law and other relevant legislation and regulations. They have previously acted, for instance, as the receiver in bankruptcies of major retail businesses, a global shipping company, shipowners, haulage companies and construction firms.

Their experience acting as a receiver or administrator is also valuable in cases where they do not act as either a receiver or an administrator. These vary from issues related to financing by banks, securities and the liabilities of directors and officers to the fiscal attachment of the company’s property on the premises. Our lawyers know their way around this environment, which can be a minefield for other advisors. In addition to their education as an attorney-at-law, many of our lawyers have also followed external courses, such as the intensive Grotius courses in Insolvency Law and/or Financing and Securities.



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