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Contact details HerikVerhulst

Phone: +31 10 41 000 55


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Wilhelminaplein 16
3072 DE Rotterdam


Phone: 010 41 000 55


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Companies in distress

Assisting companies in distress and stakeholders

Onze insolventierechtspecialisten hebben veel ervaring en expertise op het gebied van (internationaal) faillissementsrecht en corporate law en worden zeer regelmatig ingeschakeld door bedrijven in moeilijkheden. Wij adviseren en begeleiden zowel de onderneming zelf, als bestuurders en/of aandeelhouders, schuldeisers en financiers. Als een onderneming in financieel zwaar weer verkeert, kan dit vaak veel druk en onzekerheid opleveren. Wij weten hoe in deze fase te handelen, wat nog wel kan en wat niet meer. Dit kan het verschil betekenen tussen overleven en niet-overleven, tussen (bestuurders-)aansprakelijkheid en behoorlijk handelen.

In a survival scenario, jobs can often be saved and the benefits of going concern are realised. We know the possibilities offered by the legal instruments and often negotiate with the parties involved in such processes. From January 2021, the Homologation Private Agreement Act (WHOA) came into force. This law offers opportunities for fundamentally healthy companies to survive or reach a resolution outside bankruptcy with the help of a creditors' agreement. We not only advise parties involved in a WHOA process, but are also available to act as restructuring experts or observers.

We are regularly called upon to assist parties interested in (partially) acquiring a distressed company in the run-up to or during bankruptcy. In doing so, our insolvency law specialists can draw on their extensive experience in (distressed) M&A and the fact that they are appointed by the court as receivers and administrators on an ongoing basis. 

If the situation demands litigation, we act on behalf of the directors of companies in difficulties who are being held to account, for creditors, such as suppliers, and for other stakeholders, such as supervisory authorities and shareholders.

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