Our Work and Organisation practice group consists of five lawyers who specialise in employment law and have all followed post-doctoral specialised courses, such as the Post Academic Course in Dutch Employment Law (PALA) and the Grotius specialisation course. Intensive knowledge exchange and the sharing of recent developments ensure that we are always up to date.
Our lawyers are members of specialist organisations, such as the Rotterdam Association of Employment Law Lawyers, the Dutch Association of Employment Law Lawyers (VAAN) and the Association of Young Employment Law Lawyers (VJAA).
We have specialist expertise and experience in the following areas:
- employment contracts and terms and conditions of employment
- individual and collective dismissal law
- reorganisations
- privacyrecht, dataprotectie en verwerking van persoonsgegevens
- co-determination law
- pension law
- collective labour agreements law
- occupational accidents and employer’s liability
- contracts with and dismissal of statutory directors
- litigation and litigation advice concerning non-compete clauses and other clauses in employment contracts
- employment law aspects of mergers and acquisitions (transfer of undertaking)
- international and European employment law
- maritime employment law
- working hours and conditions
- occupational disability
- flexible employment relationships
- equal treatment issues
- Senior Executives in the Public and Semi-Public Sector (Standards for Remuneration) Act (WNT)
- strikes
Swift and available
A swift, practical approach is essential in the practice of employment law, but acting quickly without a sound legal basis would be irresponsible. We keep a sharp eye on this aspect, and know that what will help you most is a pragmatic solution based on correct legal analysis. Thanks to the size of our employment law practice group, you can rely on our expertise and legal support being available at all times.